Who Should Join

Minimum Qualifications

Plus Two & Above

Students wishing to start career as Montessori Teacher

This is an ideal course for students who are interested in Montessori Teaching. The course material is designed to understand and implement the technology of Montessori. As there is a large demand for trained Montessori in India and abroad students can make a very good career.


This course is recommended to all experienced teachers of young children who wish to gain insight into the best way to individualize their teaching curriculum, so that children of mixed abilities may work at their own pace. Teachers should consider this course as an up-gradation, and could implement the Montessori methodology in the conventional schools.


This course helps parents understand the natural laws of growth and self construction in a child. Thus as a parent, you can help the child to grow to his utmost potential , and not unwittingly hamper the path of nature and create unintended deviations in your child.

For those who want to work with children

This course is highly recommended for young people interested in helping small children. It is also of great value for future parenthood. Our students work for a teaching diploma examination and at the same time, they are helped to attain a higher standard of education themselves with the help of written and practical work. On completion of the course, one could find suitable jobs in Montessori environments.

For those who want to work with children

The course covers in detail the needs of specially abled children. The entire course will benefit immensely anyone wishing to teach specially abled children which will enable such children to be integrated into the classrooms in preparation for life in the community.

Students wishing to start their own Montessori School

The course includes a lesson on setting up a Montessori classroom or a Montessori School. Our team will give advice to any students who have successfully completed the course and who wish to start their own pre-school. We can advise on the location of premises/teachers/ equipment, enrolling new pupils, etc.

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