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Wait. What is Montessori Education

It is a system of education in both a philosophy of child growth and a rationale for guiding such growth. It is based on the child's developmental needs for freedom within limits and on a carefully prepared environment that guarantees exposure to materials and experiences through which to develop intelligence, as well as physical and psychological abilities. It is designed to take full advantage of the self-motivation and unique ability of young children to develop their own capabilities. Children need adults to expose them to the possibilities of their lives, but the children themselves must direct their responses to those possibilities.

Is it for all children?

The Montessori system has been used successfully with children age 2 and a half years from all socio-economic levels, representing those in regular classes as well as the gifted, the retarded, the emotionally disturbed and the physically handicapped. It is also appropriate for classes in which the student/teacher ratio is high, because the children learn at an early age to work independently.

What does the teachers do?

The teacher is working with individual children, introducing materials and giving guidance where needed. A primary task is careful observation of each child in order to determine his or her needs and to gain the knowledge needed in preparing the environment to aid each child's growth. The method of teaching is indirect, in that it neither imposes upon the child as in direct teaching, nor abandons the child as in a non-directive permissive approach. Rather, the teacher is constantly alert to the direction in which the child has indicated he or she wishes to go, and actively works to help the child achieve his or her goals.

Parents role in kids learning?

To give the child the best opportunity for development, the Montessori principles and philosophy should be implemented in the home from birth. Parents need to read books as well as attend workshops, lectures and courses, if possible, on implementing the Montessori philosophy in the home. If the home and school environments complement each other, the child will receive the maximum benefit.

Educational Qualifications?

Our academic prerequisite is the same entrance standard as all colleges. You must be a senior secondary school graduate.

Montessori to a traditional Class?

Most children appear to adjust readily to new classroom situations. In all likelihood this is because they have developed a high degree of self discipline and independence in the Montessori environment, and because of the adaptability of young children in general.
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